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Fiera Real Estate Global
Fiera Real Estate Canada


T 1 844 525-0585
PO Box 11017, Toronto (Ontario) M1E 1N0

Fiera Real Estate Limited is committed to protecting any employee with inside knowledge of information relating to illegal activity or general misconduct at Fiera Real Estate Limited or any of its affiliates (“Fiera Real Estate”), and to encouraging them to report this inside knowledge or information. Such information or knowledge could include, but not be limited to, a violation of a federal or provincial law or any concern regarding a material aspect of accounting, internal accounting control or auditing issues, and other alleged offences, that could harm Fiera Real Estate or any of its employees.

Submit Report

In support of this commitment, Fiera Real Estate has set up a system where its employees may report any wrongdoing or unethical conduct in a confidential and impartial manner through an online portal provided by ClearView Connects™. ClearView Connects™ is an ethics reporting/whistleblowing solution that provides a secure, anonymous and confidential way for an employee to file a report. Such reports can be filed electronically, reported by telephone or sent by mail.