December 12, 2018
Palmer Capital were delighted to host this year’s LandAid Ambassador Christmas drinks at their offices on Bruton Street, in Mayfair.
Together with LandAid, they welcomed over 50 ambassadors for an evening of mince pies, festive celebrations. The event was also an opportunity for LandAid Ambassadors to network and discuss the successes of 2018, along with their ambitions for 2019.
The event announced the new targets for 2019 for ambassadors to collectively raise £30,000 next year, with an individual target of £100 per person.
Palmer Capital has two members of staff who act as LandAid ambassadors, including Emma Murray, Business Development Manager, who was awarded a ‘LandAid Outstanding Ambassador’ award earlier this year for her dedication and hard work for the cause. In addition, they have have supported LandAid for many years, and run a ‘Money Maker‘ challenge, in which teams are given £250 and challenged to turn this into as much money as possible by taking part in challenges, hosting events, and any other fundraising they can think of. This year seven teams took part and activities have ranged from climbing Mount Snowdon to a100K bike ride! The challenge reached a conclusion on the 22nd November with the Palmer Capital Tour de Thames spinathon, followed by a drinks reception to announce the winners of the challenge. An incredible £24,795.93 was raised in total from the challenge.
For more information about becoming a LandAid Ambassador, click here.