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Fiera Real Estate Global
Fiera Real Estate Canada

Building Back Better

Published September 21, 2021


Fiera Real Estate UK Limited and Fiera Real Estate Investors UK Limited (“FRE UK”) has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the facts stated in this video are true and accurate in all material respects. Recipients must rely, however, on their own assessment of the information presented herein. 

Certain of the information contained in this video has been obtained from published sources prepared by other parties. Neither FRE UK nor any other person assumes any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such information. Other than as set out above, no representation made or information given in connection with any fund, mandate or asset may be relied upon as having been made or given with the authority of FRE UK and no responsibility is accepted by FRE UK, its subsidiaries or associates or any of their directors, officers, employees, agents or any other person in respect thereof.  The delivery of this video does not imply that the information herein is correct as at any time subsequent to the date hereof. All statements of opinion and/or belief contained in the video and all views expressed and all projections or statements relating to expectations regarding future events or the possible future performance of any fund, mandate or individual asset represent FRE UK’s own assessment and interpretation of information available to it as at the date of this video launch. No representation is made or assurance given that such statements, views or projections are correct or that the objectives of any fund or mandate will be achieved.  Recipients must determine for themselves what reliance (if any) they should place on such statements, views or projections and no responsibility is accepted by FRE UK in respect thereof.

The information contained within this document may be confidential or commercially sensitive. It should not be passed to any other person by the recipient without the prior consent of FRE UK. If requested the recipient shall return this video (and any copies made of it) to FRE UK or confirm that they have destroyed the same. This document does not constitute an offer or invitation to subscribe or purchase interests in any fund, mandate or asset. It should not be relied upon by any persons for any purpose.  Issued by Fiera Real Estate Investors UK Limited (FRN:229905) authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number 04916155. Registered office Queensberry House, 3 Old Burlington Street, London, W1S 3AE. Fiera Real Estate UK Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number 01531949. Registered office Queensberry House, 3 Old Burlington Street, London, W1S 3AE.

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